Friday, October 28, 2016

The Proposal

I had been looking forward to September 25th for months! It was Philip's birthday and the first one we would spend together:) I had searched for the right presents since June! I was so excited to give them to him! I got up and got ready for church and headed to his house. I couldn't wait to give him his presents FINALLY!

and he loved it all:)

We headed off to church (after Mr. Jules gave us a questionable after church errand--need mustard?) and it was a great service! We left and ran our errand, then I made him play me my favorite funny song and was in the middle of singing, he pulled into "our" boat launch:) Nothing out of the ordinary. We randomly would do this when we passed. It was PACKED! He circled around in the front and found a parking spot. After we sat and talked a second and finished my song. He asked if I wanted to take a walk down the pier. Of COURSE!
We walk down and oh look...
a lizzard. I can't imagine him thinking "I'm about to propose and she wants to show me a lizzard.."

We get to the end and yayy, a diesel truck decides to launch his boat. Convenient. So we just talk and smile and twirl and then boat is launched. Loud dodge pulls away and Philip looks at me and asks what could make this day even better..and I say a hamburger. We were headed to his house to eat lunch with our families after for his birthday and it was heavy on my mind;)

Then he did this!
 and I did this. whoops. I was a little shakey!

then I was SO EXCITED!!

It was the most beautiful ring! I had never seen his Ammaw's ring until this day. The diamond was perfect and I knew right then it was hers!!

and then it got even better..he told me the band was one of Momma's wedding bands!
 and that's the face that came with that news. :)
I can't believe I get to be wrapped in those arms forever:)

Then came our first prayer as soon to be husband and wife. I love this picture.

The rest of the day was spent with family and friends. Celebrating not only his 26th birthday, but also our engagement:) Of course he outshined my birthday presents! Ha!

Speaking of birthday presents. These pictures were going to be one of mine:) He had decided to keep Emily, the hidden photographer, a surprise. However, Philip did not let Blaine in on this and I'm SO GLAD! I was very happy to have them to look at on this day. So thank you, Blaine! ;)

They had it planned just so perfectly. I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world!

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